Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I Needs Job

The economy is really killing me this summer. After the financial debacle of last summer, I made a vow to make sure I didn't get caught up the shit creek of unemployment again and so I made a hella mad effort to get a job before the kids got out of school. They're done on Thursday and I still don't have a job in the bag yet.

To date, I have applied to:
Hollywood Video
Best Buy
The School District (already filled their positions)
The Tim Walz Campaign
The DFL- (rejected me, but I have no experience at what they want)
The Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer Campaign (actually called me! But they need to get the DFL endorsement yet.)

Seasonal Landscaper out at the Mall
Barnes and Noble
GNC (Interview, but nothing else yet.)
Payless (Pre-Hire Screen Tomorrow at 3.30. Yay!)
MVAC Receptionist (No interviews until after it closes on the 4th.)
Reitan Law Firm
...and a few more I can apply too.

Things get more complicated when you throw the Obama Organizing Fellowship into the mix. Yes, I was accepted to that program. Training in the lead states starts the 14th and then six weeks of organizing follows and it all wraps up July 26th. Happily, one of the lead states is Iowa. (I know some people down there. Like my family) So if I can stay close to the fam, then I can train, live with the 'rents, organize by day, work at night. Everyone wins.) But if they want to send me somewhere totally random, things become complicated. They're doing it everywhere else later in the summer, but either way, I need to figure out that before I figure out the whole job thing.

And either way I need a job! Kato ain't up to much, so I may decamp for Iowa City. I needs job and I needs money in a major way- especially since those shady bastards at the IRS only gave me $300 for my stimulus check instead of the $600 I thought I was getting. Argh! I hate the damn economy!

I can has job now? Kthanxbye.

1 comment:

BlondieRoo said...

I be in the same shitty canoe you're in. I admit, my list of applications isn't as impressive (doesn't your hand hurt?) but I'm feeling the crunch. I had a cafe here in town pass me by because I'm not staying till next summer. Lame. Good luck to you, and we'll see if we can both make it. :)