Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Say What?

After 'I Love The 80s,' 'I Love The 70s' and their respective 'Volume II's' and 'I Love The 90s' VH1 has decided to jump the gun and bring us 'I Love The New Millennium.'

WHY? First of all, can't you wait two years until we actually have a decade under our belt? Wait until there's a whole decade before bring us the useless pop culture trivia that we loved from the 70s, 80s and 90s and probably will just find boring from the new Millennium. There's no nostalgia yet! We can't look back at Hannah Montana and remember her goofy antic with a smile yet! WAIT!

Second of all, has the New Millennium been all that good? We started it and suddenly we ended up with George W. Bush as President. Granted, grammatical slaughterings are pretty amusing- but 9-11? Two wars? Does anyone particularly love that? Has it been that good? I mean, OK, I turned 21, could drink, had sex, fell in love and I'm getting married. A small, specific list of things that I really do love about the New Millennium. But outside of that and a generally thankful feeling that music is better than it was in the 90s, I still have to wonder why we need to remember the New Millennium yet. Give it some time already.

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