Friday, June 13, 2008

The Apocalypse is Nigh

Via Feministing,

High Heels for Babies.

I'll admit that seeing those tiny, replica Nikes is cute in a kind of nauseatingly capitalist sort of way until you look at the price of the things, but this, to me, is a bridge too damn far. Let's all consider the words above: high heels for babies.


Also via Feministing, the somewhat blasphemous news that classic 80s cartoon characters are getting makeovers for the new millenia. Argh! Strawberry Shortcake? Care Bears? Is nothing sacred anymore? I'll admit, they did an OK job with the new Ninja Turtles movie, but this is like when they got rid of Christopher Robin for their new Winnie-the-Pooh series on Disney and replaced him with a girl. I mean why do that? Why destroy the original just to put a girl in the One Hundred Acre Wood? Wasn't Christopher Robin androgynous enough for both genders?

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