Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Big Day Tomorrow

If you have a day off tomorrow and are really, really, really bored (or if you're a political/law buff) then keep your eyes peeled to the SCOTUSBlog, because there's a doozy of a decision expected to be handed down tomorrow.

District of Columbia vs. Heller is expected to be the first major ruling on the Second Amendment in quite a few decades and could re-shape the whole tiresome 'right to bear arms' vs. 'public safety' debate quite profoundly. Heller is challenging D.C.'s long-standing ban on handguns and the case has the potential to clarify once and for all if the Second Amendment accords individuals the right to bear arms.

The Second Amendment says this:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

And that whole bit about a well regulated Militia has been what's kept the pot boiling for I don't know how long now. Gun control advocates say: 'well we have a militia, it's called the National Guard.' Pro-gun people say: 'only Americans can defend America from the potential abuses of government. It's supposed to be a citizen militia you liberal weenie.' (That last part was embellished a bit.) So- if the Supremes (and yes, I call them the Supremes, because the image of Antonin Scalia and company as back-up singers for Diana Ross is simultaneously horrifying AND hilarious) rule the way everyone thinks they're going to tomorrow then it will be a HUGE deal.

So like I said. Stay tuned. (Because not a lot of people watch the Supreme Court- or not enough do! We care about the President and Congress because they're all over the TV, but the Supreme Court flies under the radar a bit- and it STILL matters. A LOT.)

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