Monday, June 23, 2008

George Carlin Died.

This is not a good way to start the morning, but George Carlin has died in Los Angeles at the age of 71. I have to say that he was probably about a decade before my time- I never got to see the infamous '7 Dirty Words' routine or any of the other controversial stuff he's remembered for. I do remember him in Dogma as the 'modernizing Catholic archbishop' who invents things like the 'Buddy Christ.' You also have to give the guy some props (because I didn't know this) but apparently he was arrested several times for obscenity in his routines, went to court and most of the cases were dismissed- so he was funny and he fought for the First Amendment! A two-fer!

But, for your viewing pleasure- 'Seven Words.' Be warned, there's strong language in there. (Duh!)

P.S. I just love the amount of detail he goes into dissecting the etymology of these seven words. People use 'em all the time and don't really think about what they're saying- and Carlin does, which is what makes this funnier.

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