Sunday, June 29, 2008


The curse has broken and the baggage is forever gone! Spain has taken the European title from Germany 1-0 to win its first European title in 44 years- and they did it with one beautiful goal from Fernando Torres.

This was a nail-biter and a half. As always, when Germany is involved, you cannot ever count them out and they played this one through 90 and to the last second of injury time, but in the end, Spain just looked better, played better and won. Germany had flashes of brilliance, but after a slow start, Spain took off. They had the speed, they had the right touches and the played a hard game. Germany, on the other hand, never seemed to find its feet and got burned for it.

Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! If I like anything in soccer, its when the good teams have a breakthrough. Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands- all three have never won the World Cup and win European Championships few and far between, so when they step up and win the big one, it's an awesome thing! That'd be my one complaint about football: not enough teams win out- and although Brazil plays a good game, it gets kinda boring watching them win ALL THE TIME. So new blood is a good thing, that's what I say- and especially since Spain keeps fielding some good teams and choking, its awesome to see them break through and get that baggage out of the way once and for all.

Hopefully, they keep it up for the next two years and make a good run in the World Cup. First Europe, now the WORLD! VIVA ESPAÑA!

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