Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What To Do With Robert Mugabe?

The crisis in Zimbabwe continues to deepen. Nelson Mandela has weighed in, condemning the violence. Instapundit has been great on this all day- linking to articles by Richard Fernandez posing the interesting question: 'What if nobody recognized Robert Mugabe?'

Mugabe has been stripped of his knighthood.

Neighboring countries are urging a postponement to the elections. (And Zimbabweans are asking for help)

And TNR has a question for the candidates...

Big, big kudos to Instapundit for following this story. As per usual, the Mainstream Media is sort of ignoring this story (due to an ridiculous lack of coverage and understanding that the media has of African politics and events in general.) And, whether you think Zimbabwe is totally irrelevant to the world, it's an important story. Hope For the Future Leader-Gone-Dictator oppressing his people. Hope for Zimbabwe, hope for better leaders in Africa, hope for Africa in general. It's a story that isn't getting enough attention.

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