Monday, June 23, 2008

McCain Will Give You 300 Million

So John McCain is going to offer a $300 million prize for whomever gets us a better car battery that can get us out of oil and 'leapfrog existing hybrid technologies.'

Another smart move! See, I told you! I'm all for Obama, but the press cycle has been dismissing McCain for a couple of weeks now and it's all been premature. They wrote him off in the primaries and writing him off now will be a huge mistake. Obama has the ability to re-write the electoral map and win. McCain has the ability to overcome huge liabilities to win. This is what makes this election so damn interesting, to me! They both have huge liabilities that could kill the election for them, but they're both capable of overcoming those liabilities to win. Whoever does a better job of it gets The White House.

The idea is hardly innovative- the Ansari X Prize sparked a private race to create a space plane- and it's smart move for the government. That, to me, is what could make government very effective. Government-made or Government-run is just asking for bureaucratic inefficiency- but the government is very good at writing checks- and we're a country chock-full of rich geeks that like to spend their money doing useful things for society and the country.

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