Saturday, June 14, 2008


Ah, the perils of liberty and democracy. They're nice things to have, but occasionally, just, occasionally they can be a bit irritating. Especially when people don't do what you want them too. It's been a bad week for the Bush Administration and it looks to be getting worse- key Iraqi leaders (Al-Maliki) rejected the parts of the proposed security pact that would have allowed for an ongoing US military presence in Iraq. And Moqtada Al-Sadr has called for a new offensive against US troops.

Only question now is: do we respect the wishes of a democratically elected government or do we just get what we want? Somehow? I guess now we get to find out if President Bush really means all that stuff he says about freedom, liberty and democracy or if it's all just a veil of bullshit designed to cover us pushing our interests in the region to counter the Iranians, the Russians and the Chinese...

We'll see.

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