Saturday, June 28, 2008

Title IX

Via Feministing, an belated commentary on the 36th Anniversary of Title IX which was this month. I also saw a really good documentary randomly on ESPN-2 about it as well and to be frank, it's beyond awesome. My knowledge of Title IX was basically what everyone else's is: getting women access to sports at a collegiate level. That's what I thought it was- but- the interesting thing is all the other stuff its supposed to ensure access too:
Title IX has been largely associated with the rights of girls and women's to participate in sports in school, but most don't know there's 9 other issue areas that are really important:

* Access to Higher Education
* Career Education
* Education of Pregnant and Parenting Teens
* Employment
* Learning Environment
* Math & Science
* Sexual Harassment
* Standardized Testing
* Technology

That's very cool. I guess you learn something new every day. For the 'Godmother of Title IX' check out Bernice Sandler's website, here.

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