Friday, June 13, 2008

On Midwives

Saw a fascinating documentary from Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein last night called The Business of Being Born, that looks at the collapse of midwifery in this country and asks some telling questions about the necessity of the current birthing system in this country.

To me, it made logical sense in my head. The rise of c-sections, the industrialization of medicine- making it sterile, capitalistic and about getting people in, done and out of the doors. C-sections are now insanely common and people are having two, three- multiple c-sections without considering the full ramifications of this.

To be fair, I'm not a woman, so I have no real idea what it's like to give birth. But the amount of drugs they put into women in labor (per this documentary) is insane. To me, it made sense to have a midwife help you out in a birthing center or at home and if something comes up that a fully trained and certified midwife can't handle, well then that's what hospitals are for.

Happily, my fianceƩ wants to be a midwife, so it made perfect sense to her too.

See for yourselves at:

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