Monday, June 9, 2008

Ah, so this is the reason...

Interesting stats on summer jobs, which I'm still in the hunt for. With Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer out of the Senate race, that's another potential job out of the picture- (but they called me! They actually called me! Which was very cool.) So I guess this is my first official day of unemployment... urgh- and I'm still not sure what I want to do for the summer.

It's problematic for me because I need money. I have to graduate in December so I have to work on a Master's Thesis- and I've been accepted as an Obama Organizing Fellow, the training for which is in Des Moines this coming weekend. This should be a no-brainer for most people (do the Obama thing) but I'm second guessing myself all over the place. I do need to write a thesis, which is not, you know, a small thing to get done- and I need money. That said, having 'Obama Organizing Fellow' on your resume probably opens more doors in the long run than it shuts- and they're doing it everywhere! Iowa, Minnesota, eventually all over the place. So I could do it down there or up here...

In the end, it'll all come down to time management, I think. I can do this, get a part-time job and make money for the summer. And in the fall, I can tackle the rest of my classes, pass my comps, do a teaching internship and write my thesis and graduate. Having just read that entire list of things, it's kind of scary, but I think I can do it. Hopefully.

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