Wednesday, July 30, 2008


The time is drawing closer, little by little and details are leaking that Obama's list is narrowing as well as McCain's- no word yet on when selection will actually take place, but there's a shrinking pool of people being considered for VP.

Obama's Latest List:

Governor Kathleen Sebelius, Kansas
Governor Tim Kaine, Virginia
Senator Evan Bayh, Indiana
Senator Joe Biden, Delaware

I'm not sure I'm wild about any of these choices, but they make a certain amount of sense. Virginia has been flirting blue for a few elections now and Kaine has the potential to push it over the top. Bayh could flip Indiana (which Obama almost won). Sebelius fits better with Obama's narrative of cross-party politics and a new bipartisanship- plus, she's a woman and a qualified one at that. Biden has foreign policy chops and experience that could be a plus for the ticket.

So who to pick? I tend to lean towards Sebelius, but Kaine and Bayh make sense. Biden is not my favorite- I think he might better fit as a SecState in an Obama Administration.

We'll see.

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