Monday, July 7, 2008

News from Abkhazia

The first question on everyone's minds probably being: Where the heck is Abkhazia? Well, it's a breakaway region in the northwest area of the Republic of Georgia and I think I wrote a paper on it once for a class I took on post-Soviet politics. (Yes, it's a real place, too!)

Anyway, the news in question: they've decided to cut all ties with the Republic of Georgia following a series of bomb blasts throughout the territory in recent days. This will undoubtedly provoke another escalation in the already troubled region- Georgia accuses Russia of meddling in its internal affairs (it probably is) and the Abkhazians, Ossetians and other separatists want independence and keep spurning offers for increased autonomy from the Georgian government.

All in all, there's a lot of potential for a big mess (war or other conflict) in the region at some time in the future. (There's already precedent for this given the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh, not to mention Chechnya.)

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