Friday, July 11, 2008

Strike 2?

A second Hollywood strike may be creeping closer. Apparently SAG has rejected the latest contract offer from the producers, but the Actors say they're still interested in negotiating. Again, the issue as with the writers seems to be DVD residuals and a few other things- but either way, it could still be a major messy and something that the entertainment industry does NOT need right now. Hollywood is still recovering from the Writer's Strike that cost the industry an estimated $2 billion and left the TV viewership numbers a shambles for the rest of the truncated television season.

But it's not all bad news though: smaller union AFTRA reached a deal with the producers already and it looks like SAG has reached separate deals to allow some productions to move forward- and so far, negotiations have not completely broken down. So at least they're still in the room and still talking.

Hopefully that continues.

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