Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Dispatches from Camp #2: Bad Information

From Training Camp: Quarterback Tavaris Jackson was a bit inconsistent yesterday in drills, but, from what I saw, seemed to be doing OK today. Keep in mind, of course, that I don't get to see things up close- special teams did look good- they seem to have a couple of punt returners who can put on some serious speed if they have too, which is good.

Also: the search is on for a back up linebacker. And there are a few pieces about Thomas Tapeh coming back to Minnesota out there- here's the Star Trib's piece.

**IMPORTANT NOTE: We've been getting some flak for this and I know the schedules that the MSU Parking People were handing out today looked like crap and the online thing the Free Press has up is not at all clear and apparently the Rochester Paper too misprinted it. So, if you're planning on heading down to Camp:

Official Autograph Sessions: Always after morning practice usually around 10:40 AM. The one exception to that is this Saturday when the Vikings Cheerleaders and Alums go at 6 and 7 PM. That's the ONE EXCEPTION. Despite what you may read, according to my best (and current as of today) information, there are no official autograph sessions after afternoon practice! I felt so bad today because I had people come all the way from Rochester to try and get autographs from the O-Line and I had to tell them that they were about 3 hours too late.

Now, take heart- because there are other options if you can't get down in the morning. If you come in the afternoon for the second practice (don't come tomorrow, because Camp is closed. They're in River Falls, WI playing the Chiefs.) But anyway, if you come in the afternoon, don't bother poking around Vikings Village, go down Stadium Road to the crosswalk between the Field and the Highland Center. (There are big orange barriers and a lot of people there. You can't miss it.) When the players leave practice and go into the locker room and when they go back down to Gage, a lot of them stop and sign things for the fans. Here's the kicker though: it's first come, first served and there's no guarantee. To their credit, a lot of the Vikings stop and take the time to sign things, but it's entirely up to them on any given day whether they stop or not. It's luck of the draw.

Option 3: Adrian Peterson and Jared Allen. These two are apparently the big draws for autograph seekers- if you don't want to wait at the crosswalk on Stadium, don't bother showing up for the Recievers Official Autograph Session. They're doing a lottery. If you want a shot at either of these two guys, stop by the information booth in the Vikings Village and get signed up, because they're limiting numbers for autographs for both of them this year.

All of this is current information I have as of today- relayed to me via my Supervisor and big signs posted in the Autograph Zone itself. If any of this turns out to be wrong, I'm sorry for one, and for two, blame my supervisor.

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