Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Strike 2 for the Motherland

Britain is just not impressing me this week. First, racist toddlers. Then Gordon Brown proves just how big of a tool he is by lecturing Britons on wasting food and then having an 18 course banquet. And then, there's: this.

This is both surprising and unsurprising at the same time. Go to Britain and you will hear the mysterious acronym of ASBO. Anti-Social Behavior Ordinance. This is what Britain's Law Enforcement gives youths who go around, break the law and generally act like douchebags. Do these idiots get a boot up the ass and a trip to juv-e? Nope. They get themselves a ticket for 'anti-social behavior.'

Scotland, pack your bags and go. I'm Scottish enough, I suppose. I'll sorta claim you and come give you tourism money if you need it. I have a pretty low opinion of the American Political Class, but Britain's political class is like the crusty rind you find on the outside of a dog turd. Brown can't do it. Cameron is a fleeting hope that's flailing around in the mess Boris Johnson is making of London. The Liberal Democrats, if they had a better leader might have an opening. But... I'm not sure they do.

So, Scotland, it's on you. Save the last vestiges of British common sense and build something worthwhile that you can protect, defend and fight for. I've never been a huge fan of Scottish independence, but I'm starting to wonder if it might be worth considering.

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