Thursday, July 10, 2008


Why? Why THIS! From the Hollywood Reporter, more proof that there's no good ideas left out there. Red Dawn is being remade. Yes, the Patrick Swayze Red Dawn. WOLVERINES! That Red Dawn. The classic 80s movie that really, if there was any justice in the world wouldn't be touched. I have to confess, I have never actually gotten around to seeing it, but, even if you haven't seen it, you have to respect its place in classic 80s movie cannon. Simply cannot be remade! NO!

The astonishing lack of creativity in Hollywood is kind of surprising, given the number of remakes. Of course, the obvious question would be: well what are you doing about it, punk? Well, I try and write cool things as much as I can. I have the outline of a novel going. If it turns out I'm good at it, I'll try and push some original ideas out there. I promise.

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