Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Just Folks?

What's with Republicans and their obsessive need to prove that they're 'just plain folks.' Seriously. This ad does not impress me. Neither did the Grassley ad that showed him patriotically mowing his lawn, if I recall.

But to unpack this ad a little: Folksy music (again, reaching hard for the 'just folks' thing) and Laurie Coleman making a pitch for her husband. He's independent, he took away tax breaks from oil companies. All the while, Norm is flouncing around the kitchen in what I assume is an attempt to making him look like the strong, silent type, but really just draws your attention to how big his ears look.

The ad closes with Norm dutifully taking out the trash at the command of his wife and telling us that he approved this message. Do you really want to end your ad with a garbage can? Is that a good way to send a potential voter on his or her way?

Basically, I think Laurie Coleman comes across as well-informed, strong minded and articulate. What her husband is doing running for Senate is beyond me. She should run instead. I might actually vote for her.

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