Thursday, December 11, 2008

Wising Up

Iowa's Universities are moving towards addressing 'cyber-stalking' and hopefully going to get a sensible policy in place to help combat creepers that use the internet to stalk people/post nude photos of their ex online/generally be cyber-douchebags.

Excellent. This is going to be an increasingly big problem as time goes on, I think- and I'm glad Universities are becoming aware of it and more to the point, I'm glad people are becoming aware of it and being a little more careful about what they put online. But this problem will explode rapidly- especially when the current crop of high schoolers hits college. If what I run into is even the slightest indication of what's ahead, then people need policies now. Cyber-bullying is on the rise everywhere (even the media is aware of this) and I would say half the stuff I deal with at the high school involving girls usually has a component involving 'somebody talking shit on MySpace.'

So this is needed- for now and the future.

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