Friday, December 5, 2008

Outside the Box

Well this is novel. I'm sort of stunned, but not entirely surprised that this turned up on of all places. You would have thought that CNBC would have picked up on this.

Solution to the financial crisis=make your own money? Hmmmm... can I do that too? 1 Tom Dollar totally equals $80,000 US Dollars. I swear.

Can I say that I think we should just bite the bullet and legalize weed? Can I do that? I mean, should I ever run for public office, someone's going to find that last remark and nail me for it- but I don't care! We need cash. A carefully controlled cheeba legalization could be the way to get some.

And it'd grow the economy. (Along with a lot of other things...) But it'll never happen. It might actually make some sense, and that means our noble leaders in Washington will be automatically against it.

But there- my turn 'outside the box' on 'the crazy train' for a solution to our financial crisis. Make of it what you will.

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