Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Exit George?

T.R. Knight (George) apparently wants off 'Grey's Anatomy' and is reportedly going to get his wish. He's reportedly unhappy with his story line- and this season, who can blame him? He's kind of floating around like jello, a ruined mess following the idiocy of putting George and Izzie into a relationship- he's never really recovered from it.

Only person more pissed off that T.R. Knight: Katharine Heigel- who is currently having an on again-off again romance (including sex) with her dead fiancee.

Yep. Dead fiancee.

To me, the first two seasons of Grey's were awesome. The third season floundered a bit and the fourth season started out promising but it floundering a bit. I mean, there was so much hope at first- Meredith had stopped being incredible annoying, had finally figured it out with McDreamy. George and Izzie had broken up. Callie had decided to be lesbian. Things looked downright exciting for once.

Now, Callie's squeeze is gone. Apropos of pretty much nothing. George is floundering around. Izzie is sleeping and screwing a dead guy. And it's just all gone pear shaped.

Not so good- but there's hope for redemption.

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