Monday, November 24, 2008

Shout Out #1

I got a bit moody and depressed towards the end of the day today, and as the kiddies ran through the lobby after the last bell had rung, I found myself with endless loops of the Pixies running through my head, thinking what an apt metaphor their music is for the mindless idiocy of high school. That is high school, I thought: a Pixies song. One of the ones with the gory visual metaphors.

For the record- today:
1. I was called a racist jerk.
2. Apparently my facial hair looks like pubic hair.
3. I'm fat.
4. I'm pregnant. (My gut being so firm and all.)

So it was a banner day for my self-esteem. Hence, the shout-out to the Pixies.

(P.S.: For the record, I'm going to work out, feel better and head out of town to Wyoming for Thanksgiving with the fam tomorrow. So things will look up. And the cable is working and strangely enough, 'Gilmore Girls' is on and it's oddly comforting.)

(P.P.S.: And there are people who had much worse weekends than I did- there was a Golden Gophers fan at work that ended up cleaning out his septic tank instead of watching the second half of the 55-0 walloping Iowa gave 'em.)

(P.P.P.S.: No, I don't know who the weird guy in the video is. I just think the song rocks!)

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