Tuesday, November 25, 2008

More Bailouts

Apparently, more bailouts are in the offing. The economy is the leakiest EVER. And Citigroup still has a $400 Million naming rights deal for the Mets new ballpark! STILL! After being BAILED OUT BY THE GOVERNMENT!

Argh. According to NPR this afternoon, the Fed just upped and decided to create the money to pay for the latest infusion into the economy. (The prospect of inflation apparently being an OK risk by them.) Another billion dollar ($800 Billion!) boondoggle that has no impact on people down at this level who are struggling just to get by. No one is bailing out college grads. No one is helping people who are losing their jobs. No one is helping PEOPLE. Oh, I know talking heads will tell you that in the end, it does have a very real effect on Main Street, because if John and Jane Q. Public can't get a loan, they can't get a house, car, etc. But are John and Jane Q. Public going to be trying to get those things if they can barely pay their bills to begin with?

The logic, despite my lack of knowledge about the economy, seems to be a little fuzzy. But who am I to argue- it's just the future of my generation being mortgaged down the river. No biggie.

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