Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Courtesy of Feministing, presenting: The Adipositivity Project.

I approve of this. I myself have taken the notion that since I don't have rippled biceps and a chiseled body, it's unreasonable for me to expect another person/partner in my life to fit into a size 0 just because society says she should. I try and eat right and walk around now and again- that's really all I can reasonably ask the Missus to do, in my book. And I think getting thin 'just because that's what society wants' is stupid- do it to get healthy, do it because you want too, do it to be fit- I don't know- but the point is, you should be getting on the weight loss wagon because you want too, not out of some weird desire to conform to what society believes is beauty.

And I think projects like this one are an important first step: if you're ok with you, then the choice to step on the weight-loss wagon is a lot clearer than if you're not ok with you. Plus, I think people should be able to find beauty in themselves no matter who they are or what they look like. I think that's important for everyone as human beings.

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