Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Real World First

Via Ain't It Cool, The latest edition of the Real World has been cast and the show's first transsexual roomie has been announced. I think that's a good thing- it would be breaking a barrier of sorts, and I'm generally in favor of such things- but really, I think the Real World is long past its expiration date. Back in the day, there was actually an element of the 'real' to it- like actual random people picked to live together in a house- now, it's almost become a parody of itself- which admittedly is a neat trick.

The Real World, I think fell victim to The Hills- semi-scripted reality shows that made superficial people far more important than they actually were in the cultural zeitgeist- now, cast-members of the Real World are all thin, beautiful and conform to an almost laughably predictable ethnic, socio-economic and sexual orientation mix. No fat people allowed. No ugly people allowed... no, well, real people allowed.

That last remark may not be that fair- after all, these telegenic gods and goddesses are people too- but they don't accurately reflect society today. The Real World is NOT that real... people don't have perfect skin, bodies and ripped abs. They just don't... and the show has long since ceased to have any meaningful reflection of reality to me- when you can't see yourself in a show or relate to anyone on that show, then it has become- a bad show.

Go figure.

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